

Page history last edited by Mace 10 years, 7 months ago

Dika Esh Foundation


Last updated June 6th, 2014 

NOTE: We are currently moving this wiki to a more standard format, please bear with us during this transition. 


The Dika Esh (Dee-kah Esh) foundation is a non-profit organization dedicated to research and sharing of information on the culture of the Salthan people who live in the desert Nation of Saltha on the northwest side of the continent of Scindon. Dika Esh Foundation is a collation of teachers and volunteers with specialties in a number of fields including linguistics, history and archeology. This site is meant to be a neutral point of view reporting on the actual way of life in Saltha neither passing judgement on or showing aproval of any specific aspects or as a whole.


As part of the agreement of using this information, we have been asked by our sponsors to not allow editing of this wiki.   


If you have any questions about Saltha or this site, please e-mail us at scindonproject(at)gmail.com. Your Questions can help improve this site by helping us know what areas need more information.  As Research is being done more information will be available here.


Please note that some links on this site directs to wikipedia. We are in no way affiliated with wikipedia and have no control over the content on that site, and are in no way responsible for its content or the content of sites it links to.


Unless otherwise noted all content is (C) 2011 Dika Esha Foundation. All rights reserved. Information on this wiki so claimed may be given 

 may be reproduced for non-comercial educational purposes only as long as this site is given as the source. The Dika Esh foundation is a division of the BK Historical Council. Dika esha foundation and BK Historical council reserves the right to use the content on this site, including submited feedback for any purpose the council and it's children orginizations descide.


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